Without drawing away from the interpretive elements many GMs enjoy in their conflicts, the combat maneuvers here take a step away from vagaries, providing a variety of colorful new battle tactics. By the same token, the game doesn't differentiate between a normal punch and a desperate clap to the ear. An attack roll that doesn't deal damage, for example, might mean the attacker's blade glanced off an opponent's armor, was deflected by magical force, or was merely dodged. The Pathfinder RPG's combat rules, while both detailed and flexible, are meant to provide a simulation of battle, not necessarily an exacting blow by blow representation of combat's every moment. There's much more nuance to the ebb and flow of battle then merely charging into the fray and hacking away, or tumbling under an opponent's guard to attack from a more advantageous position.

Traits: This system gives players a way to draw benefits from their characters' histories and backgrounds, giving players cause to invest more thought into their characters' lives while providing GMs with hooks to further link PCs to the greater campaign.

Rather than having the outcome of an adventure's worth of effort come down to or be thwarted by simple bad luck, hero points grant the PCs a resource by which they can influence destiny, or at least have a second chance when they need it most. Hero Points: A common house rule standardized and expanded for the Pathfinder RPG, this system allows players a measure of control over fate and random dice rolls. Intended to make melee more flexible and dynamic, these new tactics allow for greater control of opponents on the battlefield and open the door for additional uses of various debilitating conditions and colorful effects. Noted here are the three new rules subsystems presented in this chapter, along with reasons why GMs might choose to incorporate them into their games.Ĭombat Maneuvers: Expanding upon the combat maneuvers included in the Core Rulebook-such as disarm, grapple, trip, and others-these new options give all combatants new actions and opportunities in battle, regardless of their race or class. While most of these elements favor the players, there's no reason they need to remain solely options for PCs many cunning monsters would be readily able to make use of new combat maneuvers, while significant villains might be able to rely on hero points as well. In the case of this chapter's content, these new features exist exclusively for GMs to consider and potentially adopt into their adventures.

Although the majority of this book is designed to provide new rules for players, any new content herein should be approved by their GM before it sees use. This chapter presents three new rules subsystems designed explicitly to improve Pathfinder games in those three ways.
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While any rules subsystem beyond those in the core rules should be considered optional, GMs should feel free to adopt, even invent, additional elements if doing so helps make battle feel more cinematic, increases players' investments in their characters, or simply make the game more fun.

Although the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook provides a complete game, along with guidelines and examples to aid GMs in creation of any new rules components their adventures might require, the open-ended nature of the rules allows for endless expansion and refinement.